Environmental Management, Health and Safety and Training
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is called the technical and administrative procedures used to identify, prevent and interpret the environmental impacts that will produce a project in its environment should be executed, all in order that the competent authority may accept, reject or modify. Training or staff development, is any activity in an organization, responding to their needs, which seeks to improve attitudes, knowledge, skills or behaviors of their staff.
Environmental efforts
- Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment
- Internal development program of civil protection
- Epreparation of proceedings before different government agencies (SEMARNAT, STPS, ISESALUD, COFEPRIS, SPA, Fire Brigade, Civil Protection).
- Training internal civil-protection unit fire brigades, hazardous materials, search and withdrawal, first aid, communication.
- Training in the use of forklifts, cranes, working at heights, labeling and Tagout, handling of hazardous materials and wastes, ergonomics, occupational health, maintenance of electrical plant, machinery and equipment, pressure vessels.
- Ventilation and air conditioning